My class took their beginning of the program survey. Remember these are third grade students who read the survey themselves and answered the questions. There were 26 students who participated.
1) Rate your fitness level 1-5 with 5 being the highest.
- 1= 0 Students
- 2=3 Students
- 3=6 Students
- 4=7 Students
- 5=10 Students
(Some think highly of themselves! Haha. At this age some are still in the egocentric stages.)
2) Rate your nutrition level 1-5 with 5 being the highest.
- 1= 0 Students
- 2=3 Students
- 3=10 Students
- 4=8 Students
- 5=5 Students
(Appears to be a bit more accurate.)
3) How many times a week do you participate in a physical activity?
a. 0-2 times a week =16 Students
b. 3-5 times a week = 5 Students
c. More than 5 times a week = 5 Students
(16 students participate in a physical activity only 0-2 times a week, yet 10 rate their fitness at a 5. Hmmm...)
4) How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you each day?
a. 0-2 times a day =10 Students
b. 3-5 times a day = 13 Students
c. More than 5 times a day = 3 Students
(Way to go you 3 students that eat 5 a day! It’s a hard task for me to do also.)
5) How many times do you eat fast food each week?
a. 0-2 times a week =16 Students
b. 3-5 times a week = 6 Students
c. More than 5 times a week = 4 Students
(10 students each fast food 3 or more times a week! Goodness.)
I think this survey alone, even though it’s a small percent of students in our school, was eye opening to me. I cannot wait to get the whole schools information tallied up! I think seeing all those answers will allow our committee to see what has really been set before us. Ready for the challenge? I am! Lets help our kiddos discovery their health!