Up to today the project has raised $828 dollars! If we reach $900 we will be able to purchase a whole class set of manipulatives, two digital cameras and two Flip Cameras. This would allow both 3rd grade classes to have all the tools they need for their math curriculum, but it would also give resources for all grades to be able to check out and use! If you have been following this project, been inspired by posts, laughed from the stories then please take the time to make a donation. Just as the students realized: Each little bit helps! What little bit can you give?
The donation account will be closed after Monday evening so this is your last chance to help kids understand and love the math that is all around them. It's easy! Just put the amount in the Google Checkout in the upper right hand corner. Then, it will walk you through the steps. As simple as that you will be making a difference in children lives!
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